Stetson Bennett's Journey: Navigating Mental Health in Professional Sports
In the competitive world of professional sports, athletes often face immense pressure that can take a toll on both their physical and mental health. Stetson Bennett, previously earmarked as the backup quarterback for the Los Angeles Rams for the 2023 season, is a recent example of an athlete who had to step away from the game to prioritize his well-being. After not playing any games this season and taking a notable year off, Bennett is now making a much-anticipated return to the field, bringing to light the critical issue of mental health in sports.

Bennett's Time Away

Bennett's decision to take a hiatus from football was driven by the need to address his mental health. The intense demands of professional sports, coupled with the expectations placed on athletes, can create overwhelming pressure. Recognizing the toll this was taking, Bennett chose to step back, a move that was fully supported by the Rams’ head coach and general manager. This break was not just about dealing with pressure but also about healing and recharging for the journey ahead. The support from the Rams’ management attests to the evolving perspective within professional sports organizations towards athlete welfare. Teams are increasingly acknowledging that success on the field is inextricably linked to the mental and physical health of their players. Les Snead, the team's general manager, pointed to burnout as a significant challenge Bennett faced, highlighting the difficulty of transitioning from college triumphs to the high stakes of the NFL.

A Renewed Focus

Bennett's return to the Rams is marked by a noticeable shift in his energy and focus. He is participating in offseason workouts, demonstrating a renewed commitment to his career and his team. The temporary absence has given Bennett a fresh perspective and possibly, a more profound passion for football. This period off the field might have equipped him with resilience – a critical attribute for navigating the ups and downs of a professional sporting career. The Rams’ head coach, Sean McVay, emphasized the importance of Bennett prioritizing his health, understanding the complexities of his situation. McVay also praised Bennett’s comeback, noting his outstanding energy and renewed focus. This acknowledgment from a high-level figure in the sports world underscores a significant shift towards recognizing the importance of mental health alongside physical prowess.

Opportunities Ahead

With Jimmy Garoppolo’s suspension, there could be more playing opportunities for Bennett. This sudden turn of events may serve as a launching pad for Bennett's career, offering him a chance to prove his mettle on the field. As someone who has confronted and worked through personal challenges, Bennett's journey back to the game is a testament to his determination and resilience. His experience also highlights the importance of addressing mental health issues, not just in sports, but in all high-pressure professions.

A Paradigm Shift in Professional Sports

Bennett’s story is pivotal at a time when the conversation around mental health in professional sports is gaining momentum. The support he received from the Rams symbolizes a broader acceptance and understanding of mental health issues among athletes. Teams and management are increasingly adopting a more holistic approach to player welfare, recognizing that peak performance is as much about mental fitness as it is about physical condition. The Rams’ management, in particular, has demonstrated a progressive stance, treating athletes with empathy and supporting them in their efforts to maintain a balance between their careers and personal well-being. This approach not only benefits the players but can also foster a healthier, more supportive team environment that contributes to overall success.


Stetson Bennett’s journey from taking a year off to his return with a rejuvenated spirit underscores the critical importance of addressing mental health in the realm of professional sports. His experience sheds light on the pressures athletes face and the crucial support systems that can help them navigate these challenges. By prioritizing mental health and well-being, sporting organizations can help athletes achieve their full potential, both on and off the field. Bennett's story is an inspiring reminder that taking care of one’s mental health is not a sign of weakness but one of profound strength and self-awareness.