A New Direction for UFC: The End of the USADA Partnership

A New Direction for UFC: The End of the USADA Partnership

In a significant shift for the world of mixed martial arts, the partnership between the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) and the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) is set to conclude at the dawn of 2024. This development, announced directly by USADA's CEO, Travis Tygart, marks the end of an era that began in 2015, aimed at ensuring cleaner, fairer competition within the UFC.

The McGregor Influence

At the heart of discussions leading to this pivotal decision is Conor McGregor, a name that has become synonymous with the UFC. McGregor, a former UFC champion and arguably one of the most recognizable figures in the sport, has not stepped into the octagon for competition in over a year. However, his potential return to fighting has been a subject of significant interest and speculation. Before McGregor can fight again, USADA's protocols dictate that he must successfully pass two drug tests and adhere to the testing program for six months. The decision not to renew the contract with USADA, made after a meeting held in May 2023, suggests that McGregor's situation and broader disagreements over drug testing rules spurred the UFC to seek a new path forward.

Points of Contention

Since its inception, the USADA-UFC collaboration has aimed to combat the use of performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) in the sport, with strict regulations, including bans on the use of PEDs without medical approval. However, these rules have occasionally been sources of contention within the UFC community. The specifics of McGregor's eligibility, alongside broader drug testing protocols, featured prominently in the reasoning behind the UFC's decision to part ways with USADA.

The Legacy of the Partnership

Over eight years, the relationship between the UFC and USADA has fundamentally altered the landscape of professional fighting. Tygart expressed pride in the work accomplished during this period, emphasizing the organization's commitment to upholding standards that ensure a clean and fair fighting environment for UFC athletes. Even as the partnership nears its end, USADA has pledged to continue supporting UFC athletes with their unmatched service until the contract concludes on December 31, 2023.

The Future of Drug Testing in UFC

While the UFC has yet to reveal plans regarding the future of drug testing within the organization, the departure from USADA signals a significant shift in how such matters will be addressed moving forward. The criteria and processes implemented by a new partner or system remain to be seen, but they will undoubtedly play a critical role in shaping the integrity and future of competition within the UFC.

USADA's Continued Commitment to Clean Sport

Despite the partnership's conclusion, Tygart's statements reflect USADA's unwavering dedication to the cause of clean sports. He expressed disappointment for the UFC athletes, emphasizing that the independent contractor status of these fighters makes them heavily reliant on a rigorous, globally respected program to ensure their right to compete in a clean and fair environment. "We are disappointed for UFC athletes, who are independent contractors who rely on our independent, gold-standard global program to protect their rights to a clean, safe, and fair Octagon," Tygart lamented. His comments underscore the integral role that independent anti-doping efforts play in safeguarding not only the health and wellbeing of athletes but also the integrity of the sports they represent.


As the UFC and USADA prepare to part ways, the sports world watches closely to see how this will impact the future of drug testing and regulation within the UFC. The legacy of their partnership will not be quickly forgotten, having set new standards for fairness and cleanliness in one of the world's most physically demanding sports. However, with change comes the opportunity for growth and adaptation, as the UFC charts a new course in its ongoing battle against PEDs and its commitment to maintaining the spirit of competitive integrity.